The Attending Patron Capture feature allows your organisation to capture details of Attending Patrons, such as their Name, Phone Number and Date of Birth. This feature is licensed - please talk to support if your organisation is interested. 

Scenarios in which the Attending Patron Capture feature is particularly useful include:

  • Workshops and Classes - Parents registering children 
  • School events such as balls - registration of partners from other schools 
  • When contact tracing is required or recommended 
  • Fundraising Dinners - partner registration 
  • Work/Sponsor/Group events - employee registration 

Once the feature is licensed, under the Web Control Panel <YourCountry><OrgID>/Admin

Web Module Settings > Patrons scroll down to Attending Patrons and you will see these options listed:

If Do not collect attending patron details is selected, the feature will be turned off. 

If Collect attending patron details is selected - the feature will be turned on, but patrons will not be required to 

enter Patron Details. 

if Require Patron details for all patrons attending is selected, Patron details will be required for all patrons attending.

If Use patron registration setting is selected - not all settings under Patrons > Required Fields are applicable. However some are: 

Under Patrons > Required Fields:

If No phone number required is selected the phone field will appear under Attendee Details but will not be required:

If require only one phone number is selected - the phone number field will be required. 

If require home phone number is selected - the phone number field will be required.

If require mobile phone number is selected - the phone number field will be required.

If require either home phone or mobile number is selected - the phone number field will be required 

If any of the require phone number fields are not selected, the phone field appears but phone number entry is not required. 

If No birth date collection is selected, no birth date menu options are displayed.

If Collect year only is selected, the year of birth dropdown is applied:

If Collect full date of birth is selected, a dropdown for full date of birth appears: 

Under Patrons > Attending Patrons 

If Require phone number > Not Required is selected the Phone Number field will appear but it won't be required

If Require phone number > Required is selected the Phone Number field will be required. 

If Require birth date > Not required is selected the birth date dropdown will appear but it won't be required. 

If Require birth date > required is selected the birth date dropdown will be required. 

You will note from the above that there is a relationship dropdown:

The relationships that appear under capture attendee depend on the relationships that are already recorded in the system for the patron, and the relationship settings as set under Remote Desktop > Administration Module > Setup > Patrons > Relationships. Click here to see more information on how patron relationships are recorded here

If a relationship is set up so that, for example, employees can book for one another: 

You will see a list of employees who have been related in the system previously in the Attending Patron Capture dropdown menu - so they can book for each other:

Here I have selected David Martin (a colleague)

and clicked Add Person, and he is added:

How the Attending Patron Capture feature appears to Patrons during the booking process (see above for different configurations available) and note the condensed booking process may or may not apply

1. Patron clicks to book:

2. Chooses the performance and continues:

3. If PYOS:

4. Chooses seats (below is Choose Seats For Me pathway)

5. Seat confirmation:

6. Cart is filled, clicks checkout now:

7. Signs in or registers 

8. Then they are asked to add attendance details (depending on Attending Patron Capture Feature configuration:

9. If Yes is selected:

10. If I am attending, list my details along with those who are attending is selected:

11. Patron adds details and clicks Add Person:

12. And then clicks Finished Adding People 

13. With Attending Patrons Listed they can now complete the sale:

Reporting on Attending Patrons:

As long as Patrons add the details, you will be able to see the attendees in the sale here: 

You may click any attendee and the Find Patron window will open:

You should also see any attendee details that have been entered into the Attending Patron Capture fields in
the Reporting Module > Production > Productions > Attendance Register > Select Production: 

Related Articles:

How to Report on Class or Workshop Attendees